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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Active Transportation Program


Minnesota is a national leader in providing practical and people-centered education related to walking, bicycling, and other forms of active transportation. 

Active Transportation Education Requirement 

The State of Minnesota requires all public-school students to receive age-appropriate education related to safe walking and bicycling during the first few weeks of class each year. This mandate went into effect on August 1, 2023. MnDOT has resources and helpful hints for schools and school districts to successfully meet this requirement.

Walk! Bike! Fun! Safe Routes to School Education 

Schools and other organizations wishing to provide comprehensive youth safety education for walking and bicycling should review the state’s Walk! Bike! Fun! Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Curriculum. This resource — which meets state physical education standards — includes detailed lesson plans, fun activity ideas, and troubleshooting tips you’ll need to get this program off the ground in your community.

Pedestrian Safety Education Campaign 

We all have a responsibility to each keeping each other safe. Help everyone in your community have a safe walk home by sharing these pedestrian safety resources.