Design and engineering
Bicycle facilities in roadway projects are supported by federal legislation, Minnesota state statutes, and MnDOT policy and practice.
2020 Bicycle Facility Design Manual
MnDOT’s Bicycle Facility Design Manual (TM-20-02-TR-01) is a resource for MnDOT planners and designers to plan for and implement context-appropriate bicycle facilities within MnDOT right-of-way. The 2020 Minnesota Bicycle Facility Design Manual supersedes the 2007 Minnesota Bikeway Facility Design Manual. This manual provides the information necessary to develop safe, consistent and predictable bicycle facilities along MnDOT’s trunk highway system. Providing connected networks of comfortable and safe bicycle facilities is an important factor to support and increase the use of bicycling for transportation.
Other MnDOT guidance and resources
In addition to the Bicycle Facility Design Manual, designers have many tools available to them when developing bicycle facilities for Interested but Concerned bicyclists. Expect people to be bicycling on all roadways (except freeways), especially near key destinations such as schools, parks, grocery stores, homes, and transit stops. Vehicle speed (PDF) is one of the most important factors in roadway safety. High speeds increase both the risk of crashes and their severity. Designers are encouraged to consider the following standard and innovative treatments to incorporate bicycle facilities into roadway projects.
- Roadway reallocation (aka road diets) (PDF)
- Paved shoulders (PDF)
- Separated bike lanes (PDF)
- Sidepaths (PDF)
- Demonstration Project Implementation Guide
MnDOT policies and practices
- Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Complete Streets in Minnesota
- Bicycle and pedestrian traffic counts
Local Road Research Board guides
- Minnesota's Best Practices for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety (PDF) (2021)
- Best Practices Synthesis and Guidance in At-Grade Trail-Crossing Treatments (2013)
Federal guidance
The Federal Highway Administration's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program promotes safe, comfortable, and convenient walking and bicycling for people of all ages and abilities. FHWA has published several resources for designers working to incorporate bicycle infrastructure into their projects.
- Bikeway Selection Guide (PDF) (2019)
- Incorporating On-Road Bicycle Networks into Resurfacing Projects (PDF) (2016)
- Achieving Multimodal Networks: Applying Design Flexibility and Reducing Conflicts (PDF) (2016)
- Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks (PDF) (2016)
- Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide (PDF) (2015)