New: Future work, impacts plans page: Mainline work on Hwy 55 will begin mid-April and crews will work east to west between Annandale Blvd. and Poplar Ave. This work will be done under traffic. Detour to reconstruct the road between Brown Ave. and Poplar Ave. to begin in June.
Current impacts: Minimal. Periodic lane/shoulder closures through April
About this 2025 project
MnDOT will resurface and improve Hwy 55 from Brown Ave. to east of Annandale Blvd. (1.4 miles) in Annandale, includes utilities and access. Roadwork begins in mid-April and will be complete in October.
Project located on Hwy 55 from Brown Ave. to Annandale Blvd. in Annandale. Select map image to enlarge (PNG)
Replace or update underground utilities, includes city water, sewer and storm water
Update the signal system at Hwy 55 and Excelsior Ave.
Realign to improve access at Hwy 55 and Oak Ave./Hwy 24/Harrison St.
Install a flashing pedestrian crosswalk signal
Realign to improve access at Hwy 55 and Poplar Ave. S
Close the west end Service Rd. entrance, just east of Poplar Ave. S. and install a cul-de-sac
City of Annandale to also realign Poplar Ln. over the railroad crossing to Hwy 55/Poplar Ave. Contact the city of Annandale for more details
Update or add pedestrian sidewalk along both sides of Hwy 55 between Brown Ave. and Cherry Ave.; continue on the north side to Poplar Ave. and connect to Service Rd.
Update street lighting
Poplar Ave. to Annandale Blvd.
Repave the asphalt road surface - Visual layout (PNG)
Widen the road along the north side shoulder to add a center left-turn lane from east of Poplar Ave. to west of Annandale Blvd.