Project Update
The roadwork and landscaping are complete, and MnDOT wants your feedback on the Highway 22 Victory Drive project! Please take 5-10 minutes to provide your input - Survey closes January 16.
Construction for the Highway 22 Victory Memorial Drive project began in 2017 and was completed in 2019. The project included paving, landscaping and installing monuments along Highway 22 from County Road 90 in Mankato to Mapleton.
Roadwork complete/Victory Drive Memorial Plantings 2019
The Victory Drive Memorial landscaping project from Mankato to Mapleton began late in 2018 with clearing and grubbing and work on Memorial Park in Mapleton.
Plantings will take place in May of 2019 and no detour will be necessary. The city of Mapleton has partnered with MnDOT on the landscaping project.
Victory Drive Memorial Corridor Project (2018-2019)
- Replacing trees removed in 2017-18 with a project to beautify Victory Drive and honor veterans
- Staking in April and plantings in May of 2019
- More information and visuals under Victory Drive Memorial or Victory Drive Memorial brochure
- Removal of additional trees/clearing and grubbing completed in 2018
- Includes landscaping in Hwy 22/CR 90 roundabout
- Wayside rest closed and relocation of Victory Drive plaque/monument
- Improvements made to Memorial Park in Mapleton
- Formation of local steering committee for design decisions
- Local efforts to raise money for monuments (Mapleton Area Foundation)
- Cost estimate: $550,000 plus City of Mapleton share of $75,000
About the projects

1. Reconstruction of Hwy 22
- Started April 30 due to rains
- Project includes Highway 22 from Mapleton to Blue Earth County Road 15.
- Resurface from 5th Avenue in Mapleton to one mile north (2017)
- Reconstruct from one mile north of Mapleton to CR 15 (complete to Beauford in 2017)
- Left turn lanes Blue Earth County Roads 8, 10, 15 and 16.
- Bypass lanes will be added at CR 62, CR 164, Twp 178, Twp 94, Twp 95
- Big Cobb River Bridge at Beauford replaced (2017)
- Includes a Passage Bench to allow wildlife to pass beneath the bridge safely
- Water treatment pond construction (MPCA requirement)
- Final Change Order for left turn lanes - Layout
- Construction Staging
- 2018 Detour
- Construction cost: $16.5 million
2. Safety Project at Hwy 22 and County Road 90
- Started May 7, detour started June 6
- Intersection of Hwy 22 and CR 90 has a history of crashes
- Project includes constructing a roundabout at Highway 22 and Blue Earth County Road 90
- Includes a thin mill and overlay from Blue Earth County Road 15 to County Road 90
- Addition of left turn lanes into residential areas just north and south of County Road 90
- Includes structural snowfence in the northwest corner (Pioneer Seed area ) to reduce drifting
- Hwy 22 Detour / CR 90 wayfinding / Local business access map (2018)
- County Road 90 wayfinding route
- Uses same detour as work on Hwy 22 in 2018
- Hwy 22 & CR 90 roundabout layout map
- Letter to landowners
- 2018 Draft Plans (mapping)
- 2018 layout of area map
- Joint safety project with Blue Earth County
- Roundabout traffic safety study-single lane roundabouts - Dec. 2014
- Roundabout intersection safety study-Scott County
- Roundabout traffic safety study - Oct. 2017
- Construction cost: $4.1 million