Victory Drive Memorial Corridor Project
Landscaping completed August 2018 to August 2019.
Thanks to local efforts, the monuments and the Mapleton Memorial Park will be completed in 2019 with a ceremony planned for Veteran's Day.
Mapleton Memorial Park
- Mapleton Memorial Park/Monument Design Concept - Note that local funding raising for monuments is being managed by the Mapleton Area Foundation.
Initial concepts reviewed by the public
- Soldier's formation (JPG) - More formal design with linear plantings representing soldier’s standing in line. Low-grow native grasses throughout the corridor, addition of more numerous areas of replacement native trees as feasible, and addition of linear rows of shrubs with seasonal interest.
- Unbroken (JPG) - More curvilinear design representing an unbroken spirit weaving through the corridor. Low-grow native grasses closest to the highway contrasting with taller pollinator species containing wild flowers and grasses on side furthest from highway in meandering pattern, and addition of some native trees and shrubs with seasonal interest.
- Healing landscape (JPG) - Focus on having the entire corridor covered in pollinator species containing wild flowers and grasses initially placed to display shifts in seasonal colors for a more natural landscape that will transition itself over time. Limited inclusion of trees and no shrubs.
Hardscape or monument concepts in the initial public review included:
- Concept one (JPG) - Basalt column groupings at gateways, individual basalt highway markers in corridor, and basalt memorial at Mapleton
- Concept two (JPG) - Series of 5 Kasota stone columns with flags at gateways, individual Kasota stone highway markers in corridor and large Kasota stone memorial at Mapleton
- Concept three (JPG) - Tall Kasota stone column at gateways and small Kasota stone memorials at Mapleton
And the final monument design is show below!