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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Southwest Minnesota Regional Information

MnDOT District 8

About District 8

District 8 serves the following 12 counties:

  • Chippewa
  • Kandiyohi
  • Lac qui Parle
  • Lincoln
  • Lyon
  • McLeod
  • Meeker
  • Murray
  • Pipestone
  • Redwood
  • Renville
  • Yellow Medicine

Combined, these 12 counties represent 10 percent of the total land area in the state and just under five percent of the total population. We have offices in Marshall, Willmar and Hutchinson as well as truck stations all over the district. Our major industries rely heavily on a safe and efficient transportation system.


The MnDOT team in District 8 plans, designs, constructs and maintains the state and federal highway systems within district boundaries. We also manage the aid and assistance given to county and city systems that qualify for state and federal dollars. District 8 provides transit, trail and rail transportation services as well. Eighty percent of District 8’s capital resources over the next 10 years will be invested in system preservation to ensure a safe and reliable transportation system. Primary Industry groups include agriculture, manufacturing and food processing.

Manufacturers' study

MnDOT initiated a project in District 8 (twelve counties in southwest and west central Minnesota) to better understand freight customers’ transportation priorities and challenges and to incorporate their feedback into MnDOT’s planning and project development. A better understanding of these customers’ businesses and transportation needs is helping MnDOT to better align its work to support their success and, by extension, the economic vitality of the region and state. The project identified concerns and suggested improvements in the areas of infrastructure, maintenance, communications and policy. Read more about the study.

Toward Zero Deaths

We initiated and continue to promote the Southwest Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths program, which aims to eliminate serious injuries and deaths due to traffic issues. To learn more about the impact distracted driving can have watch this powerful 10-minute video by the Minnesota State Patrol, "Shattered Dreams: Distracted Driving Changes Lives".