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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Library

Library Services

The following services are provided to MnDOT employees, MnDOT partners, and Minnesota local government. Limited service is available to the general public.

  • Research Assistance: Library staff provide requested facts, data, or other information on request. Library staff will attempt to locate, acquire, and deliver a copy of any publication requested by our primary customers. Contact us via the Ask a Librarian form.
  • Literature Searches: Librarians search catalogs and databases of published books, reports, articles, electronic resources, and other materials on any specified topic or on the best practices in a particular field.
  • Interlibrary Loans: Library staff borrow materials from other libraries anywhere in the world for use by our primary customers. NOTE: please allow at least 2 weeks for ILL delivery.
  • Magazine Routing Service: Library staff route current issues of magazines to MnDOT employees statewide. As of March 2020 this service is almost entirely limited to email delivery of digital materials.
  • Library Collection: Includes print and online resources made up of books, reports, and magazines.
  • Online Catalog: Our catalog allows you to search for materials in our collection as well as other systems simultaneously. The Library catalogs all MnDOT published reports received.
  • E-books: Provides e-book and e-audio books via the cloudLibrary platform
  • MnDOT Digital Library: The MnDOT Digital Library is a searchable repository of MnDOT publications, including research reports, annual reports, newsletters, and history related to the Department and Minnesota highways and bridges.
  • Online Resources: Find online resources to answer your question.
  • Library Alerts: Subscribe to receive e-mail updates with news about emerging transportation topics via MnDOT's GovDelivery platform. Each alert contains a curated list of news headlines linked to full text if available.
  • New Library Materials: A list of new library materials published every month. It also has library news and other items of interest to our customers. You can be added to the list to receive new issues on our Stay Current page.
  • Study and Work Areas: The library provides various options for working in the library either alone or with colleagues. Wi-Fi and guest computers are available.