Materials Links
- Aggregates
- Bituminous
- Concrete
- FHWA Pavements
- Grading and Base
- Intelligent Compaction
- Thermal Profiling
- Lab Testing and Inspection
- Local Road Research Board (LRRB)
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Mn/DOT Resources
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- Mn/DOT Technical Certification
Bituminous Links
Tenting at Cracks
Winter Pavement Tenting (PDF KB, 56 pp)
Cold In Place Recycling (CIR)
CIR Specifications
- Cold in Place Recycle (PDF 159 KB, 4 pp)
- Cold in Place Recycle with Train (PDF 183 KB, 11 pp)
Thin Bituminous Surface Treatments
(for aggregate roads)
Otta Seal Summary (PDF 538 KB, 5 pp)
MN Experience with Thin Bituminous Surface Treatments (PDF 3.68 MB, 23 pp)

Best Practices
Best Practices Handbook on Asphalt Pavement Maintenance (PDF 720 KB, 123 pp)
Minnesota Sealcoat Handbook (PDF 8.1 MB, 120 pp)
Sealcoat Specifications
- Bituminous Seal Coat (PDF 151 KB, 5 pp)
- Macro-Surfacing (PDF 163 KB, 7 pp)
- Micro-Surfacing (PDF 166 KB, 8 pp)
Crack Sealing
Recommended Practices for Crack Sealing HMA Pavement (PDF KB, 5 pp)
Crack Sealing Specifications
- Crack Treatment (PDF 183 KB, 8 pp)
- Crack Clean and Seal (PDF 168 KB, 5 pp)