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MnDOT Metro District

Let your voice be heard

Public meetings and participation opportunities on MnDOT construction projects and studies

Information about upcoming public involvement meetings and events will be added as details become available.

Hwy 252 and I-94 EIS

What: Coffee Chat
When: Thu, March 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Where: BC City Café (6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Brooklyn Center, MN 55430)
More information: Visit the Hwy 252 and I-94 EIS webpage

Hiawatha Ave. in Minneapolis

What: In-person public meeting
When: Thu, April 10 from 5-7 p.m.
Where: Lake Nokomis Community Center – Multipurpose Room (2401 E. Minnehaha Pkwy., Minneapolis)
More information: Visit the Hwy 55/Hiawatha Ave. project website

Robert St. in Saint Paul

What: Community "office hours" with the Project Manager
When: Tue, April 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Backstory Coffee Roasters (432 Wabasha St. S., St. Paul)
More information: Visit the Robert St. webpage