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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 47 Improvements

St. Francis

Improvement and study information

Hwy 47 St. Francis project map
Hwy 47 St. Francis project map.
View full-size map

About the study

We have begun a study of potential improvements on Hwy 47 between Cree St. NW and Anoka Co. Rd. 28 (Ambassador Blvd. NW) in St. Francis in partnership with Anoka County and the city of St. Francis. The four-lane highway currently has safety and access issues and is in need of long-term improvements.

To immediately address these concerns, we are using the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths program. Minnesota TZD is the state’s proven traffic safety program that uses an interdisciplinary approach to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and deaths on Minnesota roads by combining education, emergency medical and trauma services, enforcement and engineering.

In addition to immediate improvements, we have begun a planning study of the Hwy 47 corridor to examine a range of alternatives to address the safety of people walking, biking, and driving; as well as the role this corridor plays in the future of the city of St. Francis.

March 2020 project update

MnDOT has placed the Hwy 47 project in St. Francis on hold. The city of St. Francis will not proceed with the project as currently proposed and has requested a meeting with MnDOT’s Commissioner to explore alternative solutions. At this time, the department will not move forward with construction in 2022 as originally planned; the project will remain on hold until a path forward can be discussed and agreed upon.

We appreciate all the interest, support and engagement on this project thus far, and hope we can continue to engage with the community soon.

Safety tips


  • Look before you cross
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street and show your intent to cross
  • Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections
  • Watch for turning and passing vehicles
  • Look across ALL lanes for moving vehicles before proceeding
  • Wear bright-colored or reflective clothing at night
  • Remove headphones and stay off cell phone while crossing


  • Stop for pedestrians at every intersection, even those without crosswalks or stoplights
  • Leave room between you and the pedestrian when stopping 
  • Look for pedestrians in all directions before proceeding through crosswalks
  • Scan the road and sides of the road ahead for pedestrians
  • Look carefully behind your vehicle before backing up
  • Watch for people in wheelchairs and motorized carts, who may be below eye-level 
  • Eliminate distractions — Put down your cell phone