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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Metro State Aid

Master Contracts

Master Contracts


A master contract allows MnDOT to be paid for services provided to local agencies, or to pay for services provided by local agencies.

2018-2022 CONTRACTS WILL EXPIRE ON 06/30/2022. NEW CONTRACTS NEED TO BE EXECUTED FOR 2023-2027. New contracts were mailed to local agencies in early April 2022. If you didn't get one, and want one, contact Sharon LeMay.

General information

These agreements are not mandatory, but they benefit both MnDOT and local agencies. Local agencies benefit by allowing payments to be sent to the MnDOT office providing the service. This helps ensure that staffing will be retained in that area and future service requests will be fulfilled.

MnDOT benefits by having funds paid for services directed to the MnDOT office providing the service instead of to the general fund. This allows us to more accurately budget for operational needs. Local agencies and MnDOT benefit by having a streamlined process which allows MnDOT to pay for local agency services when needed.

If you have any questions on this, please contact the MnDOT offices which currently provides a service for you and discuss the relevance of a master agreement with that particular office manager.