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Metro State Aid

DCP Final Checklist

DCP Final Checklist

Overview and instruction

Final documentation for federal aid projects should be submitted when the final payment voucher is accepted by the contractor.

List of items on the right shows the required documentation to be sent to Metro State Aid. It can be sent in as one unit, or piecemeal. We prefer to review and approve contract change documents before final payment is made to contractor.

Final inspection should be ordered towards the end of the project when the contractor is still on site.

Materials Exception Summary needs to be submitted after the end of the project, but ideally before final payment is made to the contractor. All materials certification exception summary packages are to be submitted to Sharon LeMay.

Full list of other required documentation to finalize project sent to other offices and/or retained for your files:


Luke Lortie
Metro State Aid Program Engineer

Metro DCP Checklist

Final package to be submitted to Metro State Aid

  1. Final DCP Payment request: See following online guide to requesting final payment, DCP Payment Guide (PDF).
  2. Overrun Form (Word): If project needs additional federal funds encumbered.
  3. Copy of final voucher: Fully signed by local agency and contractor and must contain language certifying that work was completed in accordance with plans and specifications.
    • Contractor must certify, on a separate page, or under a separate block of text, that they are accepting full and final payment and will make no further claims.
      Contractor Certification Form (Word).
      • NOTE: even if the stand-alone form is used, the final voucher itself must still contain the signatures of both the local agency and the contractor.
  4. Copies of all Change Orders, Work Orders, and Supplemental Agreements.
    • It is helpful if these are approved for funding by Metro State Aid in advance of submitting your final package.
  5. Certification and Exception Summary
    • Materials certification exception summary (Word) - required for all federal projects
    • Materials acceptance summary (Word)
    • Materials acceptance summary instructions (PDF)
    • For further guidance, refer to our Metro Independent Assurance website.
    • Please attach the following:
      • Tester Inventory and Bituminous and Concrete Memos
        • Tester Inventory - include name, MnDOT Certification number, type of tests performed
        • Memo from MnDOT Bituminous Office listing any exceptions on file, or stating there are no exceptions
        • Memo from MnDOT Concrete Office listing any exceptions on file, or stating there are no exceptions
    • Copies of documents showing reductions to unit price and/or penalties
    • If a consultant testing firm did the plant Q/A verifications, submit all test summary results, reports, and deductions.
    • Other documentation that affects exceptions noted on your form. This includes the following:
      • All documents referenced in support of your resolutions and listed in the Documents Reference column
      • Copies of all SA's, CO's, WO's cited in your resolutions
    • For projects with no materials, send in anyway and write “NA” on it.
  6. Final Inspection Report (Word): Signed by MnDOT engineer and project engineer if any problems need to be resolved. If project has not been inspected, contact Mike Pretel at or 651-755-3346 to schedule a final inspection.
  7. Cost Distribution Spreadsheet: This spreadsheet needs to show all contract items by cost group, and must match the total shown for each group on the Final DCP Payment Request. Spreadsheet must be submitted in the same format as used for the awarded bid.
  8. State Aid Payment Request (Excel): If requesting state aid funds for local match or other state aid eligible costs.
  9. Backsheet Item Costs: If final voucher shows any costs for extra items not supported by a contract change document, supporting documentation is needed. Examples include the following:
    • Worksheets showing calculations for Fuel Escalation costs.
    • Worksheets showing calculations for Bituminous Incentive/Disincentives.
    • Items added and paid for by Special Provisions—such as additional traffic control. Include a copy of the page from your Special Provisions or cite the MnDOT Spec Book entry that applies
    • Other—include an explanation of why the item was added as a backsheet.
  10. Final DBE Clearance Letter from MnDOT Office of Civil Rights.