Information and guidance
Accountant information
- Accountant job description (Word)
- Accounting primer for engineers (PDF)
- Accountants reference guide (PDF)
- Accounting Task Force
- Capital asset information and GASB 34
- County resources
- FHWA Form 536 reporting
- Goals for highway accountants (PDF)
- Timeline for due dates (Excel)
- Vendor payments
Annual reporting
- Annual Report (Excel)
- Annual Report, page 10 - revenues, expenditures and reconciliation (PDF)
- Annual Report sample (PDF)
- Annual Report Preparation - Costrite (PowerPoint)
- Annual Report Preparation - New Roads (PowerPoint)
- Importance of the Annual Report (PDF)
- Overview instructions (PDF)
- Overview presentation (PowerPoint)
- Rental rates overview (PDF)
- Apportionments
- Disaster information
- Funding eligibility and information
- Local agency bond information
Project information
- Electronic submission of documents (PDF)
- Project checklist (Excel)
- Project number descriptions (PDF)
- Sample projects
- Acronyms (Word)
- County numbers (PDF)
- Local Option Taxes for Transportation
- MCE-MCHA Task Force recommendations
- MnDOT district offices
- Municipal numbers (PDF)
- State Aid E-Scene