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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

Change Order process

Change Order process

  1. Begin after a contract change has been discovered and cost negotiation has started.
    • Collect all relevant cost documentation
  2. Create Change Order document.
    1. Document template is available on the State Aid Construction webpage
    2. Complete all sections of the document
      • Heading
      • Issue
      • Resolution
      • Entitlement
      • Contract time
      • Estimate of cost
        1. Enter items added to contract
        2. Group funding category must be identified for funding eligibility
  3. Engineer should obtain an independent cost estimate for any new prices to the contract (required on federal projects). This can be done with the MnDOT Contract Changes Specialist Office.
  4. Engineer will acquire all signatures needed for contract approval.
    1. Project Engineer (contract owner) must sign for approval
    2. Contractors Authorized Representative must sign for approval
      • Contractor signature not needed only when Change Order is being used to document a deduction or incentive payment allowed by the contract.
    3. If work occurs on MnDOT Trunk Highways, approval by MnDOT Project Manager is required.
    4. Other owner representatives, as needed by local governmental agencies internal requirements or other agencies with an interest in the contract
  5. After these contractual signatures are inplace, the Change Order should be sent to the District State Aid Engineer (DSAE) for funding approval.
    • Federal and state aid funds are not available for payment until DSAE approval is inplace.