Municipal State Aid Street (MSAS)
The Needs application will be down overnight every other Monday from 9 p.m. to Tuesday 7 a.m. for scheduled maintenance. Dates as follows: Dates as follows: 3/24, 4/7, and 4/21.
Application and information
- SANEEDS3 application
- To request a username/password contact Bill Lanoux
- Needs update letter (PDF)
- Quick guide: instructions for the Needs application (PDF)
- After-the-fact Needs request form (Excel)
- After-the-fact Needs - eligible items for retaining walls (PDF)
- FAQs (PDF)
- Segment reports
- Enterprise MnDOT Mapping Application (EMMA)
- Length measurements for roundabouts and cul-de-sacs (PDF)
- Guidelines for designations on/outside corporate boundaries (PDF)
- Urban ADT groups (PDF)
- Structure calculations for Needs purposes (PDF)
- Counting traffic signal legs (PDF)