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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation


State Aid trainings

State Aid 101

State Aid

  • Active Transportation (PowerPoint)
    • Learn about the Active Transportation Infrastructure Program
  • Bridge load rating, posting, and permitting bridges (PowerPoint)
    • Local bridge owners and program administrators will learn how to manage their bridge inventory to be properly load rated and load posted. Gain knowledge of various legal and permit truck loads, and applicable Minnesota and federal weight regulations and laws will be discussed. Learn the why, what and when to load rate local bridges, get related guidance on Minnesota load rating and permitting form submittal requirements, and more.
  • County State Aid Needs (PowerPoint)
    • Learn about county state aid routes and how to make changes to your system, get state aid funds and how to spend that money. Get an overview of what the screening board does and what the county engineer’s role is related to Needs.
  • Disaster recovery (PowerPoint)
    • This high level summary offers information targeted at providing a better understand of the five major funding sources related to disaster relief and the Department of Transportation.
  • DCP checklist for local agency federal aid projects (PowerPoint)
    • Learn the who, what, where, and when of the federal aid process. Get the details of why and how the process was created, procedures and funding, and contacts that will be helpful as you work through your federal aid project.
  • Federal aid process for local agency federal projects (PowerPoint)
    • Get a detailed overview on the four areas of the DCP checklist – project development, bid procedures, construction and completion. This will provide a guide throughout the life of your project, valuable links to documents and contact information.
  • Local Bridge Replacement Program (PowerPoint)
    • Learn about the Local Bridge Replacement Program, including funding from the township bridge fund, state transportation fund (state funds and bonds), and federal funds.
  • Local Road Improvement Program (PowerPoint)
    • Learn about the Local Road Improvement Program
  • Municipal State Aid Needs (PowerPoint)
    • A city’s construction Needs determines 50 percent of their annual apportionment. Learn how to manage your cities Needs and what responsibilities you can do to help State Aid manage the Municipal State Aid System and the annual apportionments.
  • MnCMAT (PowerPoint)
    • Overview of the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) application. Learn what it is, how to gain access, how it works, and the various outputs that can be generated such as maps, data exports, charts, and reports.
  • Pavement design guidance (PowerPoint)
    • Local agency staff are provided guidance and tools to design pavements conforming to state aid standards for their roadways. Design of both flexible (HMA) and rigid (PCC) pavements are covered along with recommendations for aggregate surfaced roadways. Pavement design resources are provided including contacts, documents and web links.
  • Pavement management (PowerPoint)
    • Local agency staff are provided guidance and tools to appropriately assist them in managing their roadway pavements. The basics of pavement management are discussed and minimum elements of a pavement management plan are presented. Pavement management resources are provided including contacts and web links.
  • Pavement preservation (PowerPoint)
    • Local agency staff are provided guidance and tools to select appropriate strategies for maintenance and preservation of their roadway pavements. Various pavement preservation strategies are presented for both flexible (HMA) and rigid (PCC) pavements. Pavement preservation resources are provided including contacts, documents and web links.
  • Right of Way acquisition (PowerPoint)
    • Guidance and resources on Right of Way acquisitions for both state and federal aid projects. Learn the required certifications needed for federal aid projects.
  • Safe Routes to School (PowerPoint)
    • Learn about the Safe Routes to School Program, including funding from state and federal sources.
  • Section 4(f) (PowerPoint)
    • Learn the essential concepts of section 4(f). Learn about Section 4(f) properties (parks, recreation areas or historic sites) that are afforded special protection when potentially impacted by a transportation plans.
  • State Aid construction process (PowerPoint)
    • A guide to the State Aid construction process for both state aid and federal aid projects.
  • State Aid plan approval process (PowerPoint)
    • Learn the requirements to use CSAH and MSAS construction funds, and what you’ll need to do in order to obtain DSAE approval to open bids for your state aid project.
  • State Aid project plan preparation (PowerPoint)
    • A brief overview on creating a State Aid plan for review and approval. This covers reference materials, submittal items needed for plan review and some of the common errors that are found during a review.

State Aid Finance training