Alert: Beware of fake messages pretending to be MnDOT, E-ZPass or tolling agencies. We don’t text or email for payment. Delete and don’t respond.

Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation



Minnesota Construction eAdvertising on ConneX is a way for the public to view and search for counties and cities abbreviated ads in one centralized location. The abbreviated ad for bid will include important project information, and it will also include a link to view the full ad for the bid and download plans.


How do ads get to your website and what is the process?

Ads can get to eAdvert two ways: 1) they can be submitted thru OneOffice, or 2) using the online tool (this is for local agencies that do not have OneOffice).

Ads created in OneOffice are available for review as soon as the user selects the button to sync to eAdvert. When the ad is here it goes thru an approval process. Ads are checked for accuracy (funding source, link to full ad, DBE goals, etc.). When an ad is approved it will show up on eAdvert website on the date you put down for “Required Posting Date.” It will stay on the site’s main page until “Expected Bid Opening” date. After this date projects can still be found in the “Bid Calendar” (upper right corner of main page).

It is possible to have an ad approved but not be on eAdvert website (if date for “Required Posting Date” is not yet reached). If you are using the online tool, you can see the status of your project by logging back in (if you do not see your project it was not saved).

How do I created an account?

To create an account click on the person icon in the upper right corner, and then click on "Sign Up."

  • If a similar organization already exists, click to join the organization rather than create a new/duplicate organization.
  • If joining an organization, the admins of the organization will get an email notification and can approve your account.
  • If creating a new organization, select the organization type "Project Owner."
    • New organizations are reviewed same business day, during normal business hours.

What is timeframe for having my abbreviated ad approved?

If everything is correct, our goal is to have your eAdvert approved in two business days.

By “everything correct” we especially mean the link to the full ad. This link must go directly to a full ad (or as close as possible). Having the link just go to your general website is not useful to us or more importantly the contractors interested in bidding on your project (this tends to be one of the biggest reason for delay of approving ads).

If the ad is not approved, a notification will be sent to the author of the abbreviated ad with the request of change to be made. Once completed, State Aid will receive notification to review the updated abbreviated ad.

We recommend getting your ad to us as soon as you can. One week before “Required Posting Date” is a good timeframe.

Who do I contact about support (need to change info on a already approved ad, etc)?

Create a support ticket at which is also found on the ConneX site.