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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

Multi-lane Divided Roads

Multi-lane Divided Roads

Multi-lane divided roads
15 minutes or less
1 hour or less
12 hours or less
3 days or less
Work vehicle parked on shoulder 6 8
Work on shoulder 9 8
Work off shoulder 8
Work off roadway 10  
Shoulder or parking lane closure 8
Partial shoulder closure for Trailer Mounted Devices 7
Lane closures
Mobile/short duration 49, 50, 51  
Near intersection 63 33, 64, 65, 66, 75
Center lane 56*
Left/right lane 57, 58, 64, 65
Turn lane 33, 75
Turn lane on dual turn lanes 75
Double lane 51 59, 60
Extended lane 61
Lane shift 62
Near ramp 67, 68, 69
Partial ramp closure 70
Ramp closure 52, 53, 54 71, 72
Closure at top of entrance ramp 74
Re-surfacing operation 66
Temporary road closure (15 minute intervals) 55 73  
Temporary road closure 32
Sidewalk closure 88, 89
Bike lane closure 87
Crossroad and confirmation signing 35

*NOTE: posted speed limit 35 mph or less only.