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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

Local Partnership Program

Local Partnership Program

The Local Partnership Program (LPP) was created to provide statewide transportation partnership opportunities with local agencies and construct highway improvements that are mutually beneficial at locations that are not currently programmed on state highways. The vision for this program aligns with strategic directions documented in One Minnesota, Minnesota GO 50-Year Vision for Transportation, and MnDOT’s Strategic Plan.

The LPP vision focuses heavily on development of long term and sustainable partnerships, collaboration of transportation system needs, leveraging of agency investments and minimizing project time and cost.

Program Management

The District State Aid Engineer (DSAE) manages and provides oversight of the program in the district. District state aid staff dedicated to LPP will be the single point of contact for internal and external partners on LPP solicitations. The district state aid staff will provide program guidance to eligible applicants and sponsors, oversee project development, schedule coordination, scope and budget management, and communication of project design requirements.

Project Selection Criteria

The Local Partnership Program falls under the Healthy Communities Investment Category in the 20-Year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) and provides Districts with the flexibility to identify priority local projects that do not address performance based needs. Each District and local agency partners used this flexibility to develop selection criteria for prioritizing projects in their program. The main selection criteria are:

  • Healthy Communities
  • System Stewardship and Asset Management
  • Mobility and Critical Connections
  • Safety
  • Project Readiness

For more information about the program, please contact your District LPP Project Manager below.
