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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

Natural Preservation Route

Natural Preservation Route

NPR logo

A Natural Preservation Route (NPR) is a designated roadway that possesses sensitive or unique scenic, environmental, pastoral, or historic characteristics. Examples may include: roads along lakes, rivers, wetlands or floodplains through forest or hilly, rocky or bluff terrain.

Roadway designation

A roadway must meet the definition of a NPR, and require the following:

  1. Roadway is a County State Aid Highway (CSAH), and
  2. Roadway has been requested by the county board, and
  3. Roadway has been designated by the Commissioner of Transportation

Designation process

Any person may make a written request to the county board to have a route designated. The county may submit an application to the Commissioner of Transportation for approval. Upon approval, the county will install signs.

For information on the designation of a CSAH as an NPR, reach out to that road authorities' county engineer.