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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

Project map

State Aid project map

State Aid for Local Transportation Projects

The State Aid project map makes use of MnDOT’s ArcGIS online site called MnMap. MnMap allows developers to rapidly create and publish online mapping products that are accessible and intuitive. A variety of maps are currently available on MnMap, including: scenic byways, Capital Highway Investment Plan, and State Aid projects.

Map features

  • State Aid project layer refreshed nightly
  • Includes projects within the current year and past, future years within a four year window
  • Tied, active and suspended layers included.
  • Customize with a variety of imagery, street grid and terrain backgrounds
  • Clicking on a project line will display a pop-up window with project detail
  • Map detail immerges when zooming in, including project labels
  • Search feature
  • Measure tool

Projects on the map are dependent on records within the centralized State Aid Project Tracking system. In order to be included on the map project records require key geographic and schedule data. Geographic and schedule data gaps can occur and occasionally projects can be misrepresented. Please contact or your local DSAE if you know of errors or omissions on the map.

The State of Minnesota makes no representations or warranties expressed or implied, with respect to the reuse of the data provided herewith regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data as is. The State of Minnesota assumes no responsibility for loss or damage incurred as a result of any users reliance on this data. All maps and other material provided herein are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to copy and use the materials herein.