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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

Flood and disaster relief

Flood and disaster relief

FHWA Emergency Relief process training

Current emergency events




State Aid disaster account

Emergency Relief Funding Sources

Funding and Funding Source Contact Info Eligible Road System Funding Eligible Work Type Typical Funding
FHWA Emergency Relief

Emergency Management

Erin Meier, 651-366-3367

Keith Juliar, 612-219-4559


Chris Nobach, 651-366-3824

Interstates, Principal Arterials, Minor Arterials, Major Collectors, and Urban Minor Collectors Requires a Governor's proclamation and FHWA concurrence or a Presidential Declaration; and then dollar thresholds by agency. Emergency and permanent. Usually 100% of emergency restoration and 80% of eligible permanent items. Funding amount paid based on eligible expenditures as submitted. Match to the FHWA amounts are eligible for funding from the State Disaster Assistance Contingency Account under HSEM or the Local Transportation Disaster Support Account under State Aid. An ADE or DSAE in each affected district must sign DDIRs.
State Aid Disaster (HUTD)


Chris Nobach, 651-366-3824

CSAH or MSAS. Does not require a Presidential Declaration, will cover isolated events if the damage is greater than 10% of the local agency’s total annual state aid allotment for that year. Emergency and permanent. The funding intent is to supplement all previously listed funding sources. Can be up to 100% of eligible items, or the local match on projects partially funded. Funding amount determined by disaster committee estimates and allotted to the local agency. Documentation of the expenditures must be submitted and payment is issued through a State Aid Payment Request. Unused funding is returned to the State Aid disaster account.
FEMA (Federal)

Emergency Management

Erin Meier, 651-366-3367

Keith Juliar, 612-219-4559

All roadways, and other facilities. Requires a Presidential Declaration and then dollar thresholds by county and state. Thresholds are set on a per capita basis. Emergency and permanent. Up to 100% of items found eligible to restore site to pre-disaster condition. Funding amount determined by federal FEMA representatives. Generally paid as a percentage from federal and the balance from state disaster contingency account. Actual expenditure documentation provided to FEMA. Funds are provided as reimbursement. MnDOT is often reimbursed for emergency protective measures and debris management through this program. If damage can be reimbursed under FHWA Emergency Relief, it is not eligible under FEMA.
State Disaster Fund under Chapter 12B (State-HSEM)

Emergency Management

Erin Meier, 651-366-3367

Keith Juliar, 612-219-4559

All roadways, and other facilities. Requires a county and Governor’s 12B declaration. County must meet dollar threshold that is 50% of FEMA threshold. Thresholds are set on a per capita basis. Emergency and permanent. Up to 100% of items found eligible to restore site to pre-disaster condition. Funds are provided from the state disaster contingency account. Funding amount determined by a state public assistance representative from HSEM working with a district representative. Actual expenditure documentation provided to HSEM.
Local Transportation Disaster Support Account (State Aid)


Chris Nobach, 651-366-3824

Federal Aid Routes defined under the FHWA Emergency Relief Program and in some cases State Aid Routes (MSAS/CSAH) Requires a Governor's proclamation or a Presidential Declaration Emergency and permanent Account covers the 20% local cost share of FHWA Emergency Relief Program’s eligible permanent items. Funding amount paid based on eligible expenditures as submitted. Reimbursement occurs once Federal participation costs are paid out. Account also covers unique scenarios that are ineligible for other State or Federal disaster funds. Contact Chris Nobach to inquire.