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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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State Aid for Local Transportation

Township Sign Replacement Program

Township Sign Program

The Township Sign Program was developed by the Minnesota Association of Townships fund by Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users and the Minnesota State Legislature and administered by MnDOT's SALT under the direction of MAT.

This pilot program began with the townships located within six counties and was broken into two phases - the inventory and preliminary design phase, and construction phase. The pilot project has been completed. The second round is currently underway in Stevens and Wright counties.

Two studies were conducted during the second round of this program to provide additional insight into traffic volume estimation and removal of unneeded signs.

This report provides a framework for estimating traffic volume on low volume township roadways based on land and roadway network use. This mythology is intended to be used in the absence of reliable traffic counts.

This presentation summarizes signs identify for removal, rates of removal by type and reason for removal based the on engineer study performed during the development of inventory and construction plan set.