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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation


TRNS*PORT List (previously known as BAMS)

Use of the new TRNS*PORT started in October of 1997. The TRNS*PORT list must be used on ALL Items used by MnDOT for projects. It contains columns for Item Number & Extension, Short Description, Long Description, our Four Character Computer Code for the Unit Name and Desired Plan Sheet Unit Name.

The TRNS*PORT list is maintained by MnDOT's Technical Services Division. Obtain the list from the Technical Services site.

Why we use TRNS*PORT items

  1. Federal Aid Project pay items must match the TRNS*PORT list exactly, so that the Schedule of Prices can be generated for the Proposal package.
  2. The TRNS*PORT Schedule of Prices can be obtained by clients for their use in preparing their plans and bids.
  3. The Schedule of prices submitted by each client is input by line number into TRNS*PORT for use in bid analysis, and to recommend award.
  4. The TRNS*PORT file is used to produce the Contract Administration Record System disk, enabling the creation of payments during construction