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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Portal guidance

Our portal will allow you to pay registration fees and taxes for aircraft, as well as provide updates to insurance information. In the next release of the portal, we plan to add more functionality, including being able to file new aircraft registration applications, upload required documents, and have your aircraft certificates automatically attached to your account in the portal so you can easily print them off yourself if needed.

Register your account

In order to use the portal, you will need to create an account. The email address you use to create your account will be your login ID. After you create your account, you can log into the system.

Log into the portal

To log into the portal, enter your email address and password and select Log In. If you have not signed up for a portal account, select Register Here.

When you log into the system, you will be taken to the Dashboard. If this is the first time you are logging into the Portal, you will instead be taken to the Onboard My Aircraft page in order to associate your aircraft with your new online account.


The Dashboard contains two sections; an Aircraft section at the top showing all of the aircraft you currently own, and an Applications section showing any currently open applications associated with your account. In order to work with your Aircraft or Applications, select an option from the dropdown box on the right side of the row.


The Aircraft section lists all of your aircraft. In this section, you can choose to Update Insurance Information for each aircraft. Use this to provide any updates to your aircraft’s insurance during the year; if you are updating your insurance as part of your yearly required insurance update as part of your annual Renewal application, please update your insurance on the application itself as part of the Complete Application process at the bottom of the screen.

If only some of your aircraft appear on the dashboard, you may need to go to Onboard My Aircraft and enter another N Number and Access Code combination. This is a likely result of there being spelling or punctuation differences in how your aircraft owner name is listed in the system. For example, If there are aircraft owned by “Air & Fleet Co”, “Air and Fleet Co”, and “Air and Fleet Company”, the portal will not immediately recognize these as being the same companies, and you should have received three separate letters containing an N Number and Access Code. Once you go to Onboard My Aircraft and enter each N Number and Access Code combination you receive, all of your aircraft will appear on your Dashboard, and you will be able to process your aircraft normally. Once your aircraft are on your Dashboard, no further action will need to be taken.


Any applications ready for you will be listed under the Applications section, and you can choose the option to Complete Application. This will first take you to update the insurance, Contemplated Use, or Unairworthy status for the aircraft, and then to a payment portal in order to pay any fees.

The Applications section will automatically display any applications related to aircraft you currently own, such as Renewal or Dealer Withholding applications. For a New Registration application tied to the purchase of an aircraft new to you, the application may need to be added to your Dashboard via the Onboard My Aircraft process. On the mailed invoice you receive listing the pending fees and taxes for the new aircraft purchase, there is an Access Code listed for the application itself. Go to the Onboard My Aircraft screen and enter the N Number and Access Code for the application, and it will now display on your Dashboard.

Onboard My Aircraft

When you log in for the first time, you will be taken to a page to Onboard to My Aircraft. On this page, you will be asked to enter an Access Code and N Number combination; when these are entered correctly for one aircraft and you select Next, you will be taken to the main Dashboard of the portal. You will only need to enter the Access Code/N Number combination for one aircraft regardless of how many you own in the system; the system will automatically add all the aircraft you own to your Dashboard.

This screen is also used to add applications for the purchase of new aircraft. For a New Registration application tied to the purchase of an aircraft new to you, the application may need to be added to your Dashboard via the Onboard My Aircraft process. On the mailed invoice you receive listing the pending fees and taxes for the new aircraft purchase, there is an Access Code listed for the application itself. Go to the Onboard My Aircraft screen and enter the N Number and Access Code for the application, and it will now display on your Dashboard.

Insurance, contemplated use, and unairworthy

When you choose to Complete an Application, you will be required to update one of Insurance, Contemplated Use, or Unairworthy. When you have entered this information, select Next, and you will have an opportunity to pay your aircraft registration fees via a secure online payment portal.


If the aircraft currently has insurance information from a prior year, it will be auto-filled onto this screen and you will only need to update what has changed. All fields on this screen are required for non-drone aircraft; for a drone, only Insurance Company Name is required.

Insurance may also be updated by selecting Update Insurance next to your Aircraft. Use this to provide any updates to your aircraft’s insurance during the year; if you are updating your insurance as part of your yearly required insurance update as part of your annual Renewal application, please update your insurance on the application itself as part of the Complete Application process at the bottom of the screen.

Contemplated use

Enter your Contemplated Use Start and End Dates on this screen.


If your aircraft is currently Unairworthy, enter in your Unairworthy information on this screen.


Once you have updated insurance for your application, you will be taken through the payment process. Payment is processed through an external payment portal hosted by US Bank. Payment may be made via a credit card or direct payment by ACH from a checking or savings account. While there is no additional fee for using an ACH payment on the portal, there are additional service fees for using a credit card to pay on the portal.

Completing multiple applications

If you have more than one application to finish, the portal will allow you to conveniently and easily Complete Multiple Applications via the link at the bottom of the Dashboard page. This will allow you to update the insurance for a series of applications, and then do one payment for the total combined fee amount for all selected aircraft. Simply select each aircraft on the list you want to complete and select Next; you will have the opportunity to fill in Insurance, Contemplated Use, or Unairworthy information for all the selected aircraft, and then you will be taken to a Summary page.

When you are returned to the dashboard after completing multiple applications, there may be a delay of several minutes in updating the status on the dashboard as each application is finalized in the system. The application may still be present in the Applications section with a Status of Awaiting Payment until processing is complete. When this process is complete, refreshing your browser will reflect that the applications no longer are in Awaiting Payment.