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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Asset Management

TAM communications portal

Access the TAM Communications Portal

The Minnesota DOT TAM Communications Portal gathers, stores, and shares communication materials from across the agency. The objective of the portal is to provide a central location for sharing MnDOT’s message regarding transportation asset management and data with an audience consisting of individuals from all across the agency, everyone from senior leadership to the staff in the district and central offices.

On the site, messengers will also find examples of quality communication materials in numerous different forms including slide decks, handouts and flyers, and videos, among others. All of the materials will serve to communicate one of MnDOT’s nine key messages:

• New TAMS data requirements
• Understanding long-term impacts
• Taking care of what we have
• Value of data and tools
• MnDOT strategic priorities and TAM
• MnDOT data drive approach
• How the TAMP reduces risk
• Understanding roles and responsibilities
• Benefits of quality data