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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Bid Letting


Pre-letting (how to bid)

Important information for bidding on MnDOT highway construction and maintenance projects. 

Post-letting (bid results)

All bids are evaluated in the post-letting period. Contract award (issuing of contract documents) is typically made within 30 days after letting once all contract clearances have been met. Contract approval is given when a contract has been fully executed and all approval clearances have been obtained.


MnDOT and local agency highway construction and maintenance projects currently advertised for bidding.

E-Plan Room

Electronic files for plans and proposals are available in PDF format via the E-Plan Room once a project has been advertised for bid.

Tentative future lettings (PDF)

12-month tentative letting schedules provide information on anticipated projects available for letting in the next 12 months. The letting coordinator regularly updates the schedule. This schedule does not include State Aid projects (SAP numbers).