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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Bicycling in Minnesota | Routes and Maps | U.S. Bicycle Route 45 | Route maps

U.S. Bicycle Route 45 maps

Map of the Mississippi River Trail/US Bicycle Route 45 and 45A from Itasca State Park to Iowa border along the Mississippi River.

Maps and Route Guidance

View USBR 45/45A/MRT printable maps and turn-by-turn instructions (PDFs). Options are:


Service information on the maps, such as restrooms, campgrounds, bike shops, etc. may be limited to available state-managed data sets and have not been field verified. Riders are encouraged to use supplementary tools such as Google Maps or other sites listed above to identify additional services available.

Alternative Format

To  request a MnDOT document in an alternative format contact MnDOT at 1-833-400-8432, relay assistance call 711, or email