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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Routes and maps

State bicycle map

Download the 2021 state bicycle map or view the interactive Minnesota Bikeways application.

Minnesota DNR bicycle trails

Learn about bicycle trails managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

U.S. Bicycle Route 20

The Prairie Lakes Route, (U.S. Bicycle Route 20) from Moorhead to Hastings (312 miles). Nearly two-thirds of the route is on the Central Lakes, Lake Wobegon, and other paved trails.

U.S. Bicycle Route 41

 The North Star Route, from St. Paul to Grand Portage State Park (315 miles). Nearly half the route is on paved trails and the northern part closely follows the North Shore of Lake Superior.

U.S. Bicycle Route 45 and 45A

The Mississippi River Trail - Between the Mississippi River’s origin at Itasca State Park to the Minnesota/Iowa border (817 miles).

U.S. Bicycle Route System

Learn more about the national bicycle system.