Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Bridges and Structures



Bridge Safety Inspection Refresher Training

MnDOT, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and Lake Superior College, conducts annual Bridge Safety Inspection Refresher Training in February and March to:

  • Improve the quality of inspections
  • Introduce new equipment and techniques
  • Maintain consistency and reliability throughout the statewide network of bridge safety inspection programs

Speakers discuss a variety of issues that surround key topics, and use visual presentations with handouts to deliver the core of this training. Seminars are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Who should attend

  • Individuals who need to maintain MnDOT certification as a Bridge Safety Inspection “Team Leader.” Attendance is required at a minimum of three bridge inspection refresher training classes during each five year recertification period.
  • County, city, or consultant engineers who are designated as bridge inspection “Program Administrators” are required to attend a minimum of three bridge inspection classes every five years.
  • Individuals who assist in bridge inspections are not required to attend but are welcome and encouraged to do so.


The seminar fee is $150 and includes training materials, lunch, and refreshment breaks.


MnDOT employees must register through their training representative. All others must register through Lake Superior College.