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Phoenix Student Worker Program

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Student worker program for high school students

The Phoenix Program is a partnership between MnDOT and Project Lead The Way (PLTW) which provides student jobs for high school students enrolled in science, technology, engineering or mathematics courses at area Project Lead the Way high schools.

The program also partners with local youth employment organizations including Step Up: Achieve, Right Track, and EMERGE. Students who do not attend a PLTW school but are participating in one of our other partner programs are also eligible for the program.

Please note: If there are no PLTW schools in or near a MnDOT district, students interested in STEM related careers and students who attend schools with advanced STEM curriculum are also eligible for the program.

By working at various MnDOT offices and districts statewide, Phoenix students gain on-the-job work experience in a variety of areas.

  • Students must be enrolled at a Project Lead the Way high school, or participating in Step Up, Right Track or EMERGE Youth Employment programs. 
    •  If there are no PLTW schools near a MnDOT district, students attending schools with advanced STEM curriculum and are interested in STEM related careers also qualify.
  • Students must be taking (or have taken) Project Lead the Way classes
    •  Engineering and or advanced STEM related classes can be supplemented for students who do not attend a PLTW high school.
  • Student must have completed their junior year and are going into their senior year of high school
  • Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA

  • Student workers are hired each year in cohorts that start at beginning of each summer.
  • The job posting and application supplement are open between February and May each year.
  • Selected students will participate in a formal interview process.
  • Student workers start as a cohort and participate in an orientation prior to their first day in their assigned work location.

Students have two Phoenix Student Worker tracks to choose from:

  • Year-Round Phoenix Student Worker Track – students work full-time (32 to 40 hours per week) during the summer, then up to 15 hours per week during the school year. Students must work minimum four hours per pay period during the school year to participate in the year-round track.
  • Summer Only Phoenix Student Worker Track – requires only summer participation; working full-time (32 to 40 hours per week) from June through August.

  • As of July 1, 2024, the Phoenix student workers starting pay is $18.72 per hour.

The Phoenix Student Worker Program is currently taking applications for positions starting in the summer of 2025. All interested students must apply through the State of Minnesota Careers website and complete the Phoenix Application & Supplement Form.

How to Apply

  1. Go to go to
  2. Select "Search Open Positions" at the top of the page
  3. Enter the "Phoenix Student" or "83825" in the Keywords box and select ">>" to the right of the box
  4. Choose the student worker job link
  5. Select "Apply for Job"
  6. If you don't have an account yet, select "Register Now." Otherwise sign in.
  7. The system will guide you through the rest of the application process. Be sure to sure to list the position title you are interested in on your resume.

*Please note: You must also submit a completed Phoenix Application supplement form and your current transcripts to the program coordinator to be considered for this position. Submission instructions are included on the form.