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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Northeast Minnesota Regional Information

MnDOT District 1

About District 1

MnDOT District 1 headquarters are located in Duluth and Virginia, Minn. District 1 serves the following counties in northeastern Minnesota:

  • Aitkin
  • Carlton
  • Cook
  • Itasca
  • Koochiching
  • Lake
  • Pine
  • St. Louis

District 1 represents one-fourth of the state’s total land area. Our major industries rely heavily on a safe and efficient transportation system.

District 1’s top priority is to preserve the existing transportation system. Our construction program emphasizes pavement replacement, drainage improvements, intersection upgrades, and bridge rehabilitation and replacement. In order to attain our priority, nearly all of the state road construction funds allocated to District 1 for the next 10 years will be directed to these preservation projects.

If you are interested in public involvement with our transportation projects, please go to District 1’s Area Transportation Partnership page for more information.

We are partners in the northeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths partnership, whose goal is creating a collaborative, comprehensive and regional approach to eliminate serious injuries and deaths due to traffic crashes. The regional TZD emphasis areas are reducing impaired driving, reducing excessive speeds, increasing seatbelt usage and increasing awareness of distracted driving.