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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 371—east of Gull Lake, Brainerd

Gull Lake Dam Rd. to Green Gables Rd., Crow Wing County

Traffic, work plans

Expect roadwork on Hwy 371 from south of Gull Lake Dam Rd. to north of Green Gables Rd. in 2022.

Overall crews will work inside-out. First replace pipes, then reconstruct the mainline from the median to the outside shoulder and adjacent entrances. Once mainline is done, crews will begin on the east frontage road at BIR, then the west frontage road.

Project location map
Improve access on Hwy 371 between Gull Lake Dam Rd and Green Gables Rd. Click on map for PDF


June 20 through early November 2022

  • Weekends - Open to four lanes
  • Weekdays - Lane closures
    • Planned night work (Sun-Thu) with head-to-head traffic on one side of Hwy 371 as crews replace underground pipes on the other side
  • Overall
    • Periodic lane closures at off-peak hours
    • No shoulders, narrow lanes
    • Reduced speeds and law enforcement on site
    • Lanes shifts within work zone
  • Access will be open to businesses, residents and visitors, however expect changes and use of alternate accesses:
    • Hwy 371 will be open to BIR at Birchdale Rd. or Landmark Dr.
    • Hwy 371 access will close temporarily at Green Gables Rd. to replace a pipe (5-8 days). Tentative detour to use Hartley Lake Rd. and Gull Lake Dam Rd. Detour map (PDF)
    • Expect use of flaggers while crews work at side roads, entrances or frontage roads along Hwy 371

Schedule at a glance

Timeframe Hwy 371 impacts Work
Fall 2021-June 19 2022 Periodic lane or shoulder closures Prepare work areas
Summer 2022 Overnight weekdays: One lane, head-to-head traffic on either side of the Hwy 371 Replace underground pipes
Summer 2022 Weekdays: Hwy 371 reduced to one lane of traffic at times, no shoulders
Weekends: Hwy 371 open, but no shoulders
Reconstruct median area, inside shoulder and left lane; Then outside right lane, shoulder and adjacent entrances
Fall Use of alternate accesses from/to Hwy 371 Reconstruct east frontage road; then west frontage road
Fall or spring 2023 Shoulder closures Wrap up project and establish turf