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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 10, Hwy 23—St. Cloud

Interchange east of the Mississippi River in Benton County

Public meetings

You’re invited

Ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the new Fourth St. SE bridge

Reconstruct Hwy 10 and Hwy 23 in St. Cloud
City of St. Cloud aerial image of the new Fourth St. SE bridge, known as the East Side Crossing bridge, taken in mid-October 2024. Select image for high resolution image.

The City of St. Cloud invites you to a soft ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Fourth St. SE bridge, known as the East Side Crossing.

Fri, Oct. 25

  • 10 a.m.
    West side of bridge

Everyone to meet at the west side of the bridge on Fourth St. SE. Parking available at the shops off Lincoln Ave./Fourth St. SE.

For more information or special accommodations, please call St. Cloud Mayor’s Office at 320-255-7201.

Business coffee and chat

Weekly Hwy 10 and 23 interchange project meetings with MnDOT Construction Manager Rob Abfalter and the project team for businesses along the work zone. Come with any questions or concerns.

coffeemug artThursdays at 9 a.m. until Oct. 30


Located at along Lincoln Ave. and eastbound Hwy 23. Access to parking lot from Lincoln Ave. or eastbound Hwy 10 at 4th St. Meeting on the second floor.

* We'll continue if interest. Meeting is geared towards businesses; however, all are invited to stop in. MnDOT thanks Runnings for hosting a location for our meetings.


  • Transportation summit construction open house held at City Hall in St. Cloud on April 6, 2023
  • Construction kick-off event held at MnDOT office in St. Cloud on March 27, 2023
  • Open house held at Salem Lutheran Church in St. Cloud on Nov. 12, 2019
  • Public outreach listening sessions and survey held at various venues in east St. Cloud in 2019