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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwys 28, 29, 104 in Glenwood

2018 Construction

Project Complete

Glenwood project map

Glenwood project area map. Click for a PDF version of the project overview.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Pope County and the city of Glenwood are partnering for the 2018 resurfacing and reconstruction project on Hwys 28, 29 and 104 in the city.

The project addresses pavement concerns, pedestrians accessibility (ADA) requirements, traffic flow, utility needs and boulevard improvements. In addition, six blocks of Hwy 28 in downtown Glenwood have been reconstructed using a Complete Streets concept.

Key project elements

  • Resurfacing of Hwys 28, 29 and 104 throughout Glenwood
  • Downtown Complete Streets reconstruction
  • New signal system
  • Sidewalk improvements & ADA accessibility upgrades
  • Hwy 28 grade raise near the Pope County Fairgrounds
  • Downtown utility replacement (city cost)

Complete Streets concept

Preliminary cost estimate

  • $11 million

Americans with Disabilities Act

Accessibility and state highway projects

All MnDOT projects--both new construction and rehabilitation projects-- must include an evaluation to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Features included in this project

  • This project includes ADA-compliant sidewalks, crosswalks and pedestrian ramps throughout the city of Glenwood.