Demonstration Project details

In cooperation with the city of Pelican Rapids MnDOT will be demonstrating components of the upcoming Complete Streets Project.
Road Configuration for Complete Streets Design
The demonstration shows the new road configuration (12 foot driving lanes and 10 foot parallel parking lanes) and the space that will be available for the new sidewalk and bike trails.
Mini Roundabout Demonstration
Mini roundabouts are being proposed at both intersections of Hwy 59/108. Mini Roundabouts Mini-roundabouts are much smaller than traditional roundabouts, allowing for its construction within a physically constrained location.
Numbers around roundabouts:
- 1/2 the motorist delay of a traffic signal
- 1/4 reduction in crashes
- 1/3 fewer vehicles stopping than traffic signal
- 1/3 less vehicle emissions and fuel consumption
- 15 - 20 mph average speeds making it easier to react to pedestrians and merge with vehicles
- 8 conflict points* vs. 32 conflict points in a traditional intersection. * A conflict point is any location vehicles interact with another vehicle, pedestrian, or bicycle.
- Less stopping and starting time. Less idling time.
- No room for dedicated left hand turn lanes at both of the Hwy 108 junctions.
- Reduce impacts to parking
- Eliminate long term maintenance of traffic signals
Pedestrian Safety:
- 1/2 the pedestrian crossing distance vs. a traditional intersection cross walk.
- Pedestrian refuge allows for shorter crossing distance with 2 stage crossing.
- 83% of vehicles yield to pedestrians in a roundabout vs. 7% in a traditional intersection.
Visit the roundabouts page for examples and more information on mini roundabouts.
For more information about the Pelican Rapids Complete Streets project visit the project homepage.