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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 14 intersection safety improvement

Rochester to Byron

Project history

MnDOT, Olmsted County and local townships are working together to make Hwy 14 from Byron to Rochester safer. Throughout 2021, MnDOT met with business owners, community members, and partners. The goal was to find options that could be installed quickly and reduce the most severe and fatal crashes from Byron to Rochester.

The team developed plans, which included:

  • Closing the median at 7th St. NW
  • Constructing a median U-turn for eastbound Hwy 14 traffic at Olmsted Co. Rd. 44
  • Constructing a reduced conflict intersection (RCI) at Olmsted Co. Rd. 3
  • Closing the intersection at County Club Rd.
  • Installing a high-tension cable median barrier

In early May, MnDOT notified the community these plans would not move forward.

Many agree that safety needs to increase at these intersections sooner than later. MnDOT leadership has heard from many concerned people about these intersections. The project management team and MnDOT leadership evaluated the remaining options and have determined to close medians at 7th St. NW and Olmsted Co. Rd. 44. Other portions of the project will be constructed in 2023.

These changes are only part of the vision for improved safety on Hwy 14. This project focuses on what can be done now, while other efforts are focused on opportunities for the future.

Olmsted County and MnDOT have partnered on a project to evaluate and determine recommended changes to the intersection Olmsted Co. Rd. 44 intersection. Information can be found on the Olmsted County project web page.