Project Feedback
On Feb. 5, 2020, the Hwy 19 project management team hosted a series of information sessions and an open house. Business and property owners along the corridor were invited to learn about the project, ADA design standards and provide feedback. Approximately 30 individuals attended. The project management team informed community members about the proposed changes to the traffic light and how it would improve already existing issues at the intersection. They also shared information about ADA regulations and how the terrain along the corridor creates challenges to meet them.
Main Street (4th Street to 1st Street)
- Trucks heading southbound to westbound do not make the turn from the left-turn lane. Check turning movement again with through-lane approach.
- Check eastbound to southbound turning movement - causes massive backup sometimes possibly due to northbound left-turners unable to move back or truck to encroach?
- Increase distance of left-turn stop bar from the intersection to assist truck-turns.
- Resident is concerned with sidewalk work potentially affecting their sprinkler pipe underneath.
- Check if walk is impacting any of the new trees not shown here.
- Verify if right of way at corner is accurate. Property owner states otherwise.
1st Street (Main Street to State Street)
- Add crosswalk for new walk network.
- Comment received after open house on 02-06-2020: Resident would prefer not to have to walk here due to snow maintenance issue. If walk has to be added, they would like a wider boulevard for snow storage. Also Mentioned salt is already an issue for the trees. Mark mentioned that it could be a maintenance operation issue that the snow is piling up that much on the west side as it is an available area for snow storage. Options: 1) Widen boulevard-will have potential impact to the trees (removal or root cutting) and the resident would not want to see the tree getting removed after it was removed 20 years ago. 2) Change maintenance operation along this stretch to prevent snow from piling in the Blvd. Update 02-7-2020: The property owner, stated that he would now prefer having a sidewalk up to the curb. The snow storage was a deciding factor in the change of preference. He was concerned about trees getting too much salt so the sidewalk sloping towards the road should help.
- Driveway is requested to be separated from the alleyway by resident at Hoffman and Hwy 19. Additional tree removal requested by resident.
- Look at bus turning movements around Hoffman and Mill St (school bus goes around these areas to pick up kids)
- Add cross walk across Hoffman St on west side of Hwy 19 for new walk network.
- Look into option of adding Blvd. and how big of an impact to the yard inslope it will be on the west side of Main St to State St on TH 19.
- Existing drainage issue at alley way on east side of Hwy 19 between State and Hoffman-may require driveway/curb to be replaced.
- Residence mention aerial is outdated – some of the buildings in this location do not exist or have been altered.
State Street (1st Street to Almond Street)
- Consider adding crosswalk on west side of Hwy 19 at State St. or look into adding Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon or some alternative to reduce traffic speed coming westbound. Residents are concerned with traffic driving fast through this area.
- Look into ways to slow down traffic or prevent them from cutting corners when turning southbound from westbound on TH 19.
- Check southbound turning movement from westbound TH 19. Resident at SW quadrant of State St. and Hwy 19 mention the curb had been driven over on multiple occasions. Narrowing the road may make it worse.
- Resident on the south side of Hwy 19 near Bridge St. questioned if outwalk will be removed or replaced. Work does not include outwalk unless in bad condition or under special circumstances requested by resident.