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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

I-35 Faribault resurfacing

Rice County

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About this project

Summary of work

I-35 project area map
I-35 project area

Construction took place 2023-2024 to resurface 4.6 miles of I-35 in Rice County, and improve ramps and bridges.

Resurfaced I-35

  • Resurfaced I-35 from near Rice Co. Rd. 48 to Hwy 21
  • Some portions of the roadway were removed and/or regraded
  • Constructed crossovers

Work at Rice Co. Rd. 48

  • Repaired southbound Rice Co. Rd. 48 bridge over I-35
  • Resurfaced southbound I-35 on ramp
  • Resurfaced northbound I-35 off ramp

Work at Hwy 60

  • Changed the southbound I-35 off ramp to allow for better deceleration and reduce run-off-the-road crashes
  • Altered the northbound I-35 off ramp and removed the eastbound leg of ramp.
  • Changed the northbound I-35 on ramp to improve acceleration and merging onto I-35

Work at Hwy 21

  • Resurfaced and repaired portions of the northbound I-35 on ramp
  • Extended northbound I-35 acceleration lane to better accommodate merging truck traffic
  • Resurfaced southbound I-35 on ramp
  • Resurfaced northbound I-35 off ramp

Guardrail and lighting

  • Replaced all guardrail
  • Removed and reinstalled cable median barrier
  • Replaced all light poles

Traffic signals

  • Replaced traffic signal at Hwy 60 and 30th Ave. NW
  • Three other traffic signals will be replaced in 2024 as part of a different MnDOT project. Additional information can be found on the project website

Additional details

This project extended the life of I-35 and created a smoother ride for motorists from near Rice Co. Rd. 48 to Hwy 21. It also improved ramps, and bridges, and replaced a traffic signal and lighting.

Traffic impacts

There are no current traffic impacts - project is completed.

Traffic impacts 2024

  • April 15 to June 14 View map
    • I-35 northbound traffic moved into southbound lane. I-35 southbound and northbound traffic will each travel in a single lane, adjacent to each other, in the I-35 southbound lanes.
    • I-35 northbound off-ramps to Co. Rd. 48 and Hwy 60 closed. Traffic will take the Hwy 21 off-ramp.
    • I-35 northbound on-ramp from Hwy 60 closed. Traffic will be directed to take Hwy 60 to Hwy 21 northbound.
  • June 14 to July 23 View map
    • I-35 northbound traffic moved into southbound lane. I-35 southbound and northbound traffic will each travel in a single lane, adjacent to each other, in the I-35 southbound lanes.
    • I-35 northbound off-ramps to Hwy 21 and Hwy 60 closed. Traffic will take the off-ramp to Co. Rd. 48.
    • I-35 northbound on-ramp from Hwy 60 closed. Traffic will be directed to take Hwy 60 to Hwy 21 northbound.
  • July 23 to mid-October View map
    • I-35 southbound traffic moved into northbound lane. I-35 southbound and northbound traffic will each travel in a single lane, adjacent to each other, in the I-35 northbound lanes.
    • I-35 southbound on-ramps from Hwy 21 and Hwy 60 closed. Traffic will be detoured to use the on-ramp from Co. Rd. 48.
    • I-35 southbound off-ramp to Hwy 60 closed. Traffic will exit at Hwy 21 southbound to Hwy 60.
  • October
    • I-35 northbound and southbound will be single lanes while crossovers/emergency pull off are removed and high-tension cable barrier is installed.