Americans with Disabilities Act

All MnDOT projects - both new construction and rehabilitation projects - must include evaluation to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Components can include, but are not limited to adding curb cuts, truncated domes and accessible pedestrian signals. Read about MnDOT's transition plan to comply with the ADA.
Specifics for this project
There are no specific accessibility components to this project.
This project includes:
- Installing curb cuts and truncated domes at intersections as required. Be specific, list intersections
- Pedestrian crossings will be updated to meet modern ADA standards. Be specific, list intersections
- Roundabout at the intersection of 5th Street and Hwy 52 that will accommodate pedestrian crossings and bicyclists
- Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations for the existing Mississippi River Trail and proposed Point Douglas Trail which will meet current MnDOT design recommendations and ADA standards
- Elimination of an at-grade, high-speed median crossover from northbound Hwy 61 into local businesses; a pedestrian bridge will allow southbound pedestrians safe access to the local trail system
- Repairs and resurfacing of the bridges crossing Concord Street