Design concepts
Three roadway improvement concepts have been developed to address the needs in the corridor. All three concepts accomplish these objectives:
- Corrects skewed and offset intersections on Hwy 5 at High Avenue, Jefferson Avenue, Melro Street and Hwy 19
- Greatly reduces the number of public street and private driveway accesses on Hwy 5
- Improves intersection spacing on Hwy 5 to reduce conflict points and allow adequate length for future left turn lanes
- Provides a supporting local roadway system parallel to Hwy 5 to improve local traffic circulation
- Provides opportunities for trails or sidewalks to serve bicycle/pedestrian use along new or existing local streets
- Provides access to existing land uses and supports development and redevelopment opportunities
- Incorporates Sibley County's planned realignment of County Road 21 from Lincoln Avenue to Hwy 5
Concept 1
- Concept 1 Layout
- Six local street accesses on Hwy 5 occurring at High Avenue, Jefferson Avenue/3rd Street, Harvey Drive, Melro Street and 13th Street
- Local street / frontage road between Jefferson Ave and Harvey Drive
Concept 2
- Concept 2 Layout
- Five local street accesses on Hwy 5 occurring at High Avenue, Jefferson Avenue/3rd Street, Harvey Drive, and 13th Street (new CR 21)
- Hwy 19 is realigned to a common intersection with 13th Street (new CR 21)
- Local street / frontage road between Jefferson Ave and Harvey Drive
- Railroad Avenue is continuous from 1st Street to realigned Hwy 19
Concept 3
- Concept 3 Layout
- Same as Concept 2 except the local street connection between Jefferson Avenue and Harvey Drive is a backage road rather than a frontage road