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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Roadside Safety Design

Roadside Safety Design


The guidance provided in the Facility Design Guide, the Road Design Manual, and this website assists practitioners with roadside design, including the use and design of longitudinal barriers, end treatments, and crash cushions.

Standard drawings

Standard plans, standard plates, and design details contain guidance for the design, manufacture, and installation of various components involved in roadway transportation facilities. For proprietary systems, see the Approved/Qualified Products website.

System evaluation

The ability to accurately identify and inspect roadside hardware systems is critical when designing, constructing, and maintaining barrier systems.


In-person training is available for roadside safety design and guardrail inspection. Web-based training is available for basic guardrail information as well as installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair.

Roadside Safety Design FAQs

Frequently asked questions about guardrail, end treatments, and transitions.

Other resources

Includes links to many MnDOT, FHWA, AASHTO, NCHRP, and pooled fund documents and websites.