Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Design System

Posting documents to MnDOT websites


HTML is the primary format for all MnDOT web content. Compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) is required for all content. This includes information that must be shared in a document format (such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF) to retain context, meaning or to aid in understanding complex information (see Inclusive Design).


HTML is our primary format

Provide a summary and/or repeat key messages in HTML. This will make it easier for customers who do not want to (or are unable to) open a document to get basic information. This will also make it easier for search engines to find your content.


  • If multiple documents are shared on a specific topic (i.e. recurring reports, maps), one description and/or overview of the data provided is sufficient. Summaries are not necessary for each individual document.


The standard format for documents is PDF. Do not provide same document in multiple formats (i.e. the same document in PDF and Word). The most open format should always be used, as long as it does not limit accessibility, the presentation of information or required features of the document.


  • Include something here for design, engineering programs such as Adobe CC, ArcGIS, CADD.
  • Use the format that is best for the content and audience.
  • Always be prepared to provide an alternate format upon request.


Include the main points from PowerPoint presentations in the body of your web page.

Document management

Documents should not be stored on the webshare server. eDocs, the agency's document management system, provides a long-term storage solution for documents. Uploading documents to eDocs will

  • make it easier to update or replace documents without the need to contact a web editor to replace files.
  • allow access to a specific document after any web page it is linked from is removed.

Office, team and workgroup

All office, team and workgroup focused documents should be distributed through a team/office SharePoint site.



Consider converting documents to, or creating them from the start as, HTML content. Content in HTML is easier for search engines to find and for visitors to navigate. We are also able to gather analytics for HTML content, which we are not able to do for documents.

Note: Word/PDF to HTML is not a 1:1 translation. Reformatting and rethinking the structure, organization and navigation of content will need to take place.