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Erosion Control and Stormwater Management



New MnDOT Standard Seed Mixes

The new standard seed mixes are intended to be used on all projects letting on or after September 27, 2024.
The Guide to the New 2024 MnDOT Seed Mixes shows the mixes, the timeline for phasing them in, and how the mixes are different from the previous standard mixes.

Seeding manual

Standards and guidance for design and construction This replaces previous editions of the Seeding Manual and the District Vegetation Establishment Recommendations (also known as Turf Letters).
Use the 2024 edition for design and construction of all projects letting on or after September 27, 2024.

Continue to use the 2023 edition for all projects that let before September 27, 2024.

Approved Vendors

MnDOT specifications require seed to be purchased from MnDOT Approved Seed Vendors.  Find the current list of approved vendors at the following link.

Seed Substitutions

MnDOT seed mixes contain a diversity of species and not all of them are always available.  Substitutions must be approved.  See the current table of approved seed substitutions and an explanation of the process below.

The link below leads to a survey of source-identified (yellow tag) seed.  It is used by vendors to find what is available before requesting substitutions.

Turf Grass Variety Approval Process

The New Turf Grass Variety Preliminary Information Form (PDF) should be used by vendors who would like to make a request for adding a variety to the approved list of turf grass varieties. The form also includes information on the timing for new variety requests and approvals as well as the type of field trial data that should be submitted to make approvals of new varieties.

Specialty seed mixtures

The seed mix design manual can be used to create site specific specialty seed mixes.  This is for projects with unusual conditions or unique environmental commitments where the standard MnDOT Seed Mixes will not work.

Vegetation Establishment

Planting dates

Specified planting times do not always line up with construction schedules, weather, and construction stormwater permit timelines. The Planting Dates for Seeding and Sodding fact sheet is now part of the Seeding Manual.  This section of the manual explains how to apply the standard seeding and sodding dates and when to allow exceptions to them.

Vegetation establishment recommendations (obsolete)

The district-specific Vegetation Establishment Recommendations, also known as the Turf Letters, have been replaced by the Seeding Manual


Guidance on watering for vegetation establishment for both design and construction