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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Regulated Materials

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MnDOT steel structure paint removal program


MnDOT's steel structure paint removal program helps ensure that paint removal operations are conducted in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations, and provides information necessary for planning a paint removal operation with methods that are practical and cost effective. It also helps protect the environment from potential releases of lead-containing material and other particulate matter.

While the majority of paint removed on MnDOT projects takes place on bridges, this program information can be applied to paint removal from other steel structures such as radio towers.


  • Ensure that paint removal operations are conducted in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations
  • Provide information necessary in planning a paint removal operation with methods that are practical and cost effective
  • Protect the environment from potential releases of lead and PCB containing materials and other particulate matter




  • MnDOT personnel paint removal operations process - When removing paint in-house using MnDOT personnel. It is anticipated that MnDOT personnel will remove non-lead paint or remove a total surface area of less than 500 square feet of lead paint. In agreement between the MnDOT Bridge Office and the Office of Environmental Stewardship, MnDOT will only use the dry blasting product Blastox™ to remove paint from bridges or other structures, which should result in non-hazardous blasting waste (mixture of blasting media and paint particles following blasting application). The exception is paint containing PCB’s, which will be managed case by case.

Statewide studies

These studies were conducted to determine requirements to manage paints containing PCB's or chromium.