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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Data Practices Information


How to make a data practices request

Submit a data practices request using our online form. Describe the data you are requesting in your own words. You are not required to provide your contact information, but if you do not, then we will not be able to deliver the data to you.

Who can request information

Public data is available to any member of the public who submits a request, including individuals, the media, government agencies, government employees, vendors, unions, companies, and attorneys. Information about requesting public data in general is available in the Guide for Members of the Public Requesting Information (PDF).

Individuals who are the subject of data can obtain both public and private data about themselves. Information about requesting data is available in the Guide for Individuals who are the Subject of Data (PDF).

When you'll get the information

If you are requesting data about yourself, MnDOT will provide the data within 10 business days of receiving your request. For other requests, MnDOT staff will provide data within a reasonable period of time. Generally, MnDOT completes requests within 30 days of receiving them unless they are large or complex.