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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Map and Manual Sales

Order printed copies

Maps and manuals are available upon request by mail:

Prices and mailing charges are subject to sales tax. Checks, drafts, or money order made payable to the Commissioner of Transportation must accompany all orders.

Maps for order

Official State Highway Map

Highway System Map (PDF)

Shows all Interstate, U.S. and Minnesota state highways

County maps

City maps 

Municipality and township maps

Twin Cities Metro Area Street Series (PDF)

Contains 55 individual map sheets covering the seven county metropolitan area

St. Paul-Minneapolis Metropolitan Area Map (PDF, 11.68 MB)

Railroad maps

Travel and rest area maps, GIS maps and right-of-way maps

Manuals for order

Complete the manual order form (PDF). Note that the list below is only a portion of all available MnDOT manuals.


Intended primarily for the use of field inspectors; gives requirements governing quality and utilization of materials, points out fundamental principles involved in bituminous surfacing, and describes procedures for practical application by personnel. Includes information on bituminous mixtures, equipment and calibrations, and sampling and testing methods.

Bridge Design - Aesthetics Guidelines

Intended to serve all that are involved with Bridges and Structures from the early stages of preliminary layouts through final design and construction. Use Bridge Designers, Project Managers and consultants who are involved with Bridge Design. This manual was written to serve as a training tool and a reference.


Familiarizes engineering personnel with fundamental principles and better practices of concrete construction, emphases test methods and inspection procedures for control of concrete production and placement. Includes materials and materials testing, properties and mix designations, mix design, batching and mixing placement operations, reports and work sheets, charts and other data.


Communicates drainage design policies, procedures, instruction and information to engineers and technicians to be applied in the solution of drainage problems. Includes tables and charts about drainage design.

Field Manual

See Office of Traffic Engineering for a copy of the book and an order form on the Internet.


Developed to provide guidance for District Soils Engineers and as a reference for all of MnDOT and other personnel involved in design, construction and maintenance of highway earth works and pavements.

Grading and Base

Intended primarily for use of field inspectors, gives requirements governing quality and utilization of materials, points out fundamental principles involved in grading and base work, and describes procedures for practical application by personnel. Includes test procedures, visual and manual inspection, formulas, and soil classification and identification.

Inspection and Contract Administration Manual for MnDOT Landscape Projects (PDF)

Inspection and Contract Administration Manual for MnDOT Landscape Projects” (ICAMMLP) is published as a reference for Contract Plans, Specifications and/or Special Provisions for Contractors responsible for plant installation and establishment.  It is referenced in spec 2571 of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction and sets the standard for all landscape project operations.  It is written to increase the consistency and success of MnDOT landscape projects and to provide clear objective and measurable criteria for decision-making and for payment criteria.  It also serves as a reference for MnDOT’s landscape inspection and contract administration certification class.

Laboratory Manual

The Laboratory Manual contains test procedures and AASHTO/ASTM test references for commonly used laboratory tests on aggregates, soils, cement, concrete, bituminous, etc. It is intended to provide a laboratory technician with a reference to needed procedures so that there is procedural uniformity and consistent results among all the Department's laboratories. Private sector laboratories will have formal test procedures to follow.


Provides maintenance personnel with operating procedures for surface repairs, roadside maintenance, drainage and bridge maintenance, traffic control devices maintenance, and snow and ice control. Information guidelines are given on equipment maintenance, permits, agreements, contracts, and operations coding.

Minnesota Uniform Traffic Control Devices (M.U.T.C.D.)

Sets forth the basic principles that govern the design and usage of traffic control devices. Presents traffic control device standards for all streets and highways open to public travel regardless of type or class or the governmental agency having jurisdiction. Official Traffic Control Device (or Traffic Control Devices) and all traffic signs, highway traffic signals, traffic markings and other devices erected or placed on or adjacent to a highway or street by authority of the public body or having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.

Pavement Design Manual

This manual provides background information pertaining to pavement design. It also includes guidance for performing pavement surveys, preparation of design recommendations, and submittal of the Materials Design Recommendations (MDR) Report (formerly called the Soils Letter). It is based on past MnDOT experience, the experience of other groups and agencies with similar requirements, and the current state of the practice in pavement engineering.

Right of Way

Road Design

Establishes uniform design policies and procedures and communicates vital information for guidance to engineering personnel in preparation of road plans. Includes detailed drawings of geometric features, section elements, special structures, safety features, and erosion controls.

Standard Plans

Contains standard plan sheets showing approved standard details of highway geometrics and construction features. Includes pavement layouts, acceleration and deceleration lanes, pavement joints, guardrail treatment at bridge approaches, retaining walls, etc.

Standard Plates

Provides standard plates, approved by Department staff and Federal Highway Administration for the various structures essential to highway design and construction. Includes standard drawings for use by manufacturing firms in supplying products of culverts, sewers, erosion controls, signals, lights, guardrails, fences, etc. Also, standard drawings for use by contractors in constructing pavement, curb and gutters, retaining walls, miscellaneous structures, and in installing traffic barriers, fences, signals, lights, etc.

Standard Signs

Establishes, determines and communicates standards and specifications concerning standard dimensions, colors and other requirements of the various types of highway signs and signals. Included are details for the layout of the recently adopted symbol type signs provided for in the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" as published by the U.S. DOT and adopted by MnDOT.

Standard Specifications for Construction

State Aid

Provides convenient reference for county and municipal engineers to the reports, documents and procedures needed to conform with established policies.

  • State Aid Project Development - 1993
    Tells how to prepare project development reports (Project Memoranda, etc.) for county and city federal aid projects

Surveying and Mapping

Sets forth instruction and guides to engineers and technicians to ensure establishment of uniform standards in location surveys, field notes, field layout and staking throughout the state. Includes information on aerial survey, ground control, soils survey, bridge survey, monumentation, railroads, and utilities survey.


Assists highway technicians in computing horizontal and vertical alignment, earthwork qualities and other highway quantities. Included are mathematical guides, charts, tables and methods used in the preparation of road plans. Many questions are answered in this manual which normally would be directed to the design supervisor by the technician. As a result, the designer has more time for their engineering responsibilities.

Traffic Engineering Manual

Establishes uniform guidelines and procedures primarily for use by appropriate personnel in MnDOT. It complements but does not duplicate the MUTCD manual.

Traffic Engineering Publications (more manuals, guidelines, reports)

Manuals, handbooks, reports, and guidelines on several different traffic engineering topics.