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Materials and Road Research

Materials and Road Research | Veta | Veta Download

Veta Class for new users

This online class is required for contractor personnel who have never created Veta projects and/or completed the associated forms. It's for first-time Veta users and for return users that need an in-depth refresher.

What to expect

  • You'll review slide decks detailing requirements of (2016) Quality Management – Intelligent Construction Technology Methods.
  • You'll create a Veta project and prepare some forms, and then you'll contact us when you're ready to submit them.
  • We'll provide you with a way to upload your content, and then we'll review your materials. We may contact you to review items completed incorrectly, and you may need to fix some errors.
  • If everything looks good, we'll add you to our list of people who have completed the course.

Complete the class

Download the class files for creation of the Veta project (Zip)

The files are compressed in a *zip format. Right click file and select “Extract All” after downloading files.

  • Let us know you have completed the following class submissions:
    • Creation of Veta Project
    • Completion of Form AMT-101-102-103 and AMT107-108-109
What'll happen next
  • We'll provide you with a way to upload your content, and then we review your materials. We may contact you to review items completed incorrectly, and you may need to fix some errors.
  • If everything looks good, we'll add you to our list of people who have completed the course.