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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Minnesota Walks

Minnesota Walks plan cover

MnDOT’s Statewide Pedestrian System Plan was completed in 2021. The plan expands on the work of Minnesota Walks and define MnDOT’s role in improving places for people to walk along and across the state highway system. The plan documents lessons learned in Minnesota Walks as well as through additional engagement completed from 2019-2021. Visit for more information about the SPSP. 

About Minnesota Walks

Minnesota Walks (PDF) is a collaborative effort between MnDOT and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) which provides a shared vision for how all Minnesotans can have safe, desirable and convenient places to walk where they live, work, learn and play.

Minnesota Walks includes guidance for planning, decision-making and collaboration between agencies, advocacy organizations, policy-makers, and public and private entities across the state. Minnesota Walks established an understanding of pedestrian needs and challenges in Minnesota rooted in engagement to help MnDOT and MDH better address needs for people walking.

How Minnesota Walks was developed

A 25-member project advisory committee provided statewide perspective and guidance for improving places where people walk. Additionally, MnDOT and MDH undertook an extensive community engagement process in the summer and fall of 2015 to gather input on walking in communities. Over the course of six months, the project team and its partners connected with over 6,000 people across Minnesota.

How Minnesota Walks is being used

Minnesota Walks continues to influence policy and provide best practices for making communities more walkable throughout Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Health has developed implementation guides for snow clearing (PDF) and sidewalk repair (PDF) that offer best practices. Minnesota Walks is also the guiding vision for MnDOT’s Statewide Pedestrian System Plan, which is set to kick-off in winter of 2019.

Community Engagement Report

From July to December 2015, MnDOT and MDH undertook an extensive community engagement process to gather input on walking in communities across the state. Over the course of six months, the project team and its partners engaged with over 6,000 people across Minnesota.