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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Planning and research

The Minnesota Department of Transportation oversees a statewide transportation system, which also includes people who walk.


Statewide Pedestrian System Plan

The Statewide Pedestrian System Plan guides MnDOT’s investments to improve places for people walking along and across the state’s highway system. It will help prioritize and create spaces that are safe and convenient for people to walk along and across state highways.



Parklets are innovative and cost-effective ways to add community space to public streets. They serve as streetscape enhancements where people can gather, sit, chat or relax. Parklets can also provide additional outdoor seating for nearby restaurants or places for outdoor programming.


Planning best practices


Bicycle and pedestrian traffic counts

The Minnesota Pedestrian and Bicyclist Counting Program, started in 2013, set out to build a network of automated people counters (both permanent and portable) to collect non-motorized traffic data, and develop methodology for analyzing, validating, evaluating, and managing it. 

Minnesota Active Transportation Plan Map

MnDOT has created a database of local active transportation plans that also allows local partners to suggest additional plans to be added.